
*Для детей (до 12 лет) и пенсионеров у нас действует 10% скидка на все слуховые аппараты.

Для всех покупателей также действует скидка в 15% при единовременной покупке двух аппаратов.

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Иногородним покупателям — компенсация за проезд 1 000 рублей!


Верните слух и деньги за проезд!


Обменяй старый слуховой аппарат на новый и получи скидку 1 000 рублей.

About Audiofarm company

The idea to establish Audiofarm company was born out of the desire to change the surrounding world to the best. The surrounding world is the people, first of all. To improve the quality of life for people who have problems with hearing through offering them an opportunity to return the joy of full hearing — that was the area of business we chose.

Our company is the first-class experts who work for you and do the necessary and honorable occupation that changes life of many people to the best. After acquiring an accurately selected and tuned hearing aid of the new generation the quality of life improves.

Audiofarm is an exclusive representative of the digital hearing aids manufacturer, Widex (Denmark), in Far East Russia.

The Audiofarm Hearing and Health Centre started operation in 2006 in Vladivostok. Currently, it is a fast-growing network of hearing and health centres controlled by the Quality of Life Holding.

The Audiofarm hearing and health centres have also been opened in the cities of Chita, Ulan-Ude, Yakutsk, Magadan, Blagoveschensk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, and Novokuznetsk.

Otolaryngologists and audiologists will provide you professional assistance including detailed diagnostics of hearing.

Diagnostics of hearing is performed on the up-to-date equipment Interaucustic (Denmark). The main stress is made on the high quality of service because our customers need special attention, and the process of a Widex hearing aid selection should always be strictly individual, professional and accurate. To achieve all these, experts of our centres are trained every year upgrading their skills in Moscow and Denmark.

Tel.: +7 (423) 36-54-04, e-mail: